Yet another tantalizing glimpse of the anime series “Suicide Squad Isekai” has surfaced on the internet. In the previous video, the creators showcased Harley Quinn, and in their latest video, they focused on the Joker. The character’s voice was expertly portrayed by Yuuichirou Umehara, known for his role as Goblin Slayer.
The show is being developed by the renowned studio Wit, known for their work on “Attack on Titan,” “The Vinland Saga,” and “Family of the Spy.” Eri Osada was in charge of directing the project. The anime will showcase a stellar lineup of characters including Joker, Harley Quinn, Peacemaker, King Shark, Deadshot, Clayface, and Amanda Waller. The premiere is scheduled for July 2024 on Japanese TV channels Tokyo MX and BS11.
It’s worth noting that the neural network previously showcased a rendition of an anime featuring characters from “The Avengers” such as Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Winter Soldier, and others. Additionally, online footage of the animated series inspired by “Terminator” has surfaced.