How to level up your settlement in Manor Lords

How to level up your settlement in Manor Lords

Players and critics alike praised the realistic strategy of Manor Lords. The new product offers a range of advanced mechanics that enable you to expertly expand your settlement, transforming it from a humble village into a sprawling metropolis. However, some of the available options can be a bit challenging to figure out. In this guide, we will explore the best strategies for effectively raising the level of a settlement and the essential requirements for doing so.

What is the settlement level

The “settlement level” indicator is easily understood by those with some experience in strategy. It demonstrates your overall developmental progress and enables you to evaluate your current stage. The settlement is experiencing rapid growth, thanks to its increasing population. However, in order to maximize the number of subjects, it is crucial to ensure that they are equipped with all the necessary resources.

How to increase the level of a settlement

The “settlement level” indicator is easily understood by those with some experience in strategy. It demonstrates your overall developmental progress and enables you to evaluate your current stage. The settlement is experiencing rapid growth, thanks to its increasing population. However, in order to maximize the number of subjects, it is crucial to ensure that they are equipped with all the necessary resources.

How to level up your settlement in Manor Lords

In total, the game provides 7 levels of settlement. Each has its own number of buildings.

  • Settler camp – does not require any conditions, this is the initial stage;
  • Small village – 5 plots for 1st level housing;
  • Average village – 5 plots for housing of 1st level and 2 plots of 2nd level;
  • Large village – 10 plots of level 1 and 5 plots of level 2;
  • Small town – 10 plots of level 1, 7 plots of level 2 and 3 plots of level 3;
  • Medium city – 10 sites of level 1, 10 sites of level 2 and 10 sites of level 3;
  • Big city – 30 plots of 1st level, 20 plots of 2nd level and 15 plots of 3rd level.

How to level up your settlement in Manor Lords

You may have observed that during certain stages of development, the requirements tend to overlap. This can be utilized to effectively decrease the number of residential buildings and prioritize development over quantity. For instance, if you want to transition from a small village to a medium one, you’ll need a total of 5 plots at the 1st level and an additional 2 plots at the second level. If you want to master the game, all you need to do is upgrade two out of the five plots to the second level. Building two new plots is not necessary to meet the condition.

How to improve settlement sites

You can enhance each of your residential plots in multiple ways. First, elevate their overall skill level. This must be done with expertise, not only to expand the city, but also to acquire new resources and accumulate regional wealth. To access the list of requirements, just click on the website. Typically, there are essential items that are needed for everyday life.

To take your site to the next level, you’ll need a few key elements: access to water (via a well), a charming wooden church, a reliable fuel seller, two diverse food sellers, and a dedicated clothing seller.

To take your site to the next level, you’ll need the following: building materials (8 planks, 4 beams, 4 tiles), a well, a stone church, a tavern stocked with booze, a fuel merchant, three different food merchants, and two clothing merchant tents.

How to level up your settlement in Manor Lords

It is useful to build housing in close proximity to the market. This way the settlers will have quick access to everything they need. At the same time, wells, a church and a tavern can be at a distance; accessibility does not play a role here.

The second type of home improvement is expanding the backyard. This way you can choose what the peasants will start producing on their own.

  • Apple Orchard – requires 50 regional wealth to receive apples;
  • Weaponsmith’s Workshop – 4 boards, 10 units of regional wealth to receive helmets, chain mail and plate armor;
  • Bakery – requires 5 planks and 5 units of regional wealth to receive bread;
  • Blacksmith’s workshop – requires 5 planks, 5 units of regional wealth to receive tools, weapons;
  • Bow Workshop – requires 4 boards to receive bows;
  • Brewery – requires 5 planks, 5 units of regional wealth to get ale;
  • Chicken Coop – requires 25 regional wealth to receive eggs;
  • Shoemaker – requires 5 planks, 5 units of regional wealth to receive shoes;
  • Goat Shed – requires 25 regional wealth to get meat and milk;
  • Carpentry Workshop – requires 4 planks to obtain wooden parts and shields;
  • Tailor – requires 5 boards, 5 units of regional wealth to receive clothes, cloaks and more;
  • Vegetable Garden – Requires 15 Regional Wealth to produce vegetables.

When discussing the quantity of clothing and food merchants, it is directly linked to the aforementioned expansions. The local residents will have the opportunity to sell the goods they receive, contributing to the overall development of the city.

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