Apple Vision Pro has received high praise from prominent figures in the tech industry, such as Sam Altman from OpenAI, who ranked the augmented reality headset as the second most impressive product, right after the iPhone. Nevertheless, the hefty price tag of $3499 and the absence of truly remarkable applications prevented it from reaching its full potential.
With Vision Pro shipments projected to decrease from 800,000 to 400,000-450,000 units for 2024, Apple is in need of a sales boost that will bring a positive outlook for the company’s remaining fiscal quarters. One potential solution could be a successful launch in international markets. Based on a recent report, Apple is set to release its mixed reality headset in international markets, with a promising chance of achieving success. This is due to the long-standing popularity of virtual reality in certain regions. However, it’s worth noting that the market in those areas is already quite saturated.
Just like how Apple did it in the US prior to launching the headset, retail employees worldwide will receive training on Vision Pro. During these training sessions, employees will receive comprehensive instruction on effectively engaging potential customers and creating a favorable initial impression of Vision Pro, ultimately increasing the likelihood of making a sale. It was previously reported that the overseas launch could happen in seven countries shortly after WWDC 2024, with China being a potential priority.
However, could the steep price deter potential customers from making a purchase? According to Mark Gurman’s latest issue of Power On, it seems that consumers in Japan and other Asian countries may be more prepared for the Vision Pro. These countries have been utilizing virtual reality for an extended period, but they have yet to encounter a product of this caliber, which could prove to be a game-changer.
The Vision Pro has sold quite well in the US (considering the difficulty of selling a $3,499 headset). But the real test will come when it hits a market where virtual reality is more popular. That’s what we’ll see soon: Apple is training employees overseas to sell the Vision Pro, a step toward offering the product outside America.
Initial overseas markets include China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Australia, UK, France and Germany, and rollout will begin after Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June. Consumers in Japan and other Asian countries may be more ready for a mixed reality headset that combines VR and augmented reality. In preparation for the expansion, the company received approval to sell the device in China from the local equivalent of the Federal Communications Commission.
Nevertheless, Apple cannot afford to be complacent. It must put in the effort to lower the price of the second-generation model in order to sustain its momentum in the category. Regrettably, Gurman has stated that the anticipated release of the next generation of Apple Vision is not until the end of 2026, and the company is still searching for a solution to lower the cost. The more affordable model, slated for release in 2025, will deliver impressive outcomes.
However, Vision Pro does not provide any unique features that are available on numerous other VR/AR devices.