There was an unexpected development for Samsung’s new interface, One UI 7.0, which will be upgraded over Android 15. SamMobile, which we know for its solid predictions and leaks, made a statement stating that the update will be delayed. It also provided some important information about the process.
Why Will One UI 7.0 Update Be Delayed?
In fact, the beta process for the update was supposed to have already started. Sources close to Samsung had indicated that the update would be opened to beta testing at the end of July. Although Samsung has not made a statement on this issue, there have been some important leaks indicating that the beta version will come at the end of July.
However, according to the news, beta version tests have been postponed. This will probably be a situation that will directly affect the release time of the final version.
The real question is why the update was delayed. There is some information on this subject. According to information from SamMobile, the main reason for the delay in the update is that work is being spent on the distribution of One UI 6.1.1.
The new update also brings certain Galaxy AI features to the table. It is necessary to be more careful when offering this version to older devices. We can assume that work has been spent here to speed up the One UI 6.1.1 update .
For all these reasons, it is said that One UI 7.0 will be delayed . The new date spoken for the beta version of the update is September. If we accept the July claims as true, we can say that there is a delay of 1-2 months. The fact that artificial intelligence features will come to smartphones may have made things a little more difficult, but it is also interesting that there is no official statement from Samsung.
Source: wccftech